Adult Services

Speech Therapy

We provide speech and language therapy for adults in a variety of areas.  We have clinical experience and evidence-based training in the following areas:

  • Speech deficits resulting from apraxia and dysarthria following stroke

  • Fluency deficits including stuttering and cluttering

  • Expressive and receptive language deficits resulting from acquired disorders such as aphasia, traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion, mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, and Huntington’s Disease, as well as persistent developmental disorders

  • Voice disorders including polyps/nodules and anatomical weaknesses/deficits

  • Swallowing disorders including anatomical weaknesses and deficits or behavioral challenges


Assistive Technology

Additionally, we provide assistive technology services for adults emphasizing community and workplace integration:

  • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) needs, including support in incorporating AAC systems into the workplace or rehabilitation environment

  • Workplace assistive technology supports for reading, writing, and technology access



We also offer a range of consultation services, including:

  • Workplace Offerings

    • Communication disorders education and accessibility training, customized to your specific vocational environment needs

    • Recommendations for expanding accessibility in the workplace

  • Rehabilitation Program Offerings

    • Speech and language consultation promoting collaborative, interdisciplinary care and application of compensatory strategies

    • Assistive technology consultation for access and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device implementation
